Local Forecast (unofficial)
North & Central Kittson County
Hallock and Lancaster
Updated Friday, May 02, 2008 11:58:41 AM (CDT)

Due to lack of local interest, I am no
longer updating forecasts on this
site. The links on this site will remain
and may be expanded.
If you want a forecast for your
area on a given day, you can get one by
emailing me at

7 day Forecast
NWS forecast--Hallock
Accuweather forecast--Hallock
NWS forecast--Lancaster
Accuweather forecast--Lancaster
Environment Canada forecast--Emerson
Environment Canada forecast--Winnipeg

Weather Almanac for
Hourly Observations for the Region
Hourly Observations--Manitoba (from Environment Canada)

Weather Discussion (my detailed analysis)
Elevations Around Kittson County

Official High & Low Temperatures Across the Area (From the NWS)
Dominion City Clear Sky Clock
Steinbach Clear Sky Clock

Hallock Normal Temperatures and Precipitation By Month
Hallock Sunrise/Sunset Tables
Lancaster Sunrise/Sunset Tables
Current Weather Watches
Current Weather Warnings from IWIN
6 - 10 day Forecast from the National Weather Service
Grand Forks NEXRAD Radar from Intellicast
Grand Forks NEXRAD Radar from the NWS
Environment Canada Radar Image--Winnipeg
Current North America Weather Map
This Page Has Been Visited Times Since June 22, 2007

Questions, Comments?

North-Central Kittson County Weather