Local Forecast (unofficial)
Including the city of Custer
Updated Wednesday, September 03, 2003 04:49:56 AM CDT

I have put up a link up for the NWS forecasts. This site is not going to be shut down, but due to time constraints, I am not doing the forecasts myself right now. I will add more links of interest as time goes by.

NWS Forecast for The Southern Black Hills

Convert Meters To feet
South Dakota Low Temperature Map (includes Custer)
South Dakota High Temperature Map (includes Custer)

South Dakota Precipitation Map (includes Custer)

Current Weather Watches and Warnings
Current Weather Warnings from IWIN
6 - 10 day Forecast from the National Weather Service
Rapid City NEXRAD Radar from Intellicast
Rapid City NEXRAD Radar from the NWS
Current North America Weather Map

This Page Has Been Visited Times Since June 27, 2002