Local Forecast (unofficial)
Including the city of Madison
Updated Tuesday, November 29, 2005 03:00:49 PM (PST)


Tonight...Partly cloudy. Lows near 8. Southeast wind 2 to 7 mph. Maximum humidity 85 to 90%. Free air freezing level at the surface.

Wednesday...Periods of snow. Accumulations of 1 to 2 inches possible. Highs near 22. Southeast wind 5 to 10 mph. Minimum humidity 70 to 75%. Chance of snow 85%. Free air freezing level at the surface.

Wednesday night...Cloudy in the evening...gradually becoming partly cloudy. Lows near 8. Northwest wind 7 to 15 mph. Maximum humidity 90 to 95%. Free air freezing level at the surface.

Thursday...Partly cloudy. Highs near 19. West to northwest wind 8 to 16 mph. Minimum humidity 50 to 55%. Free air freezing level at the surface.

15 day Forecast
Weather Net - Madison Middle School

Current Conditions from the Science Center at DSU
Weather Almanac for 11/29/2005
Hourly Observations for South Dakota

Weather Discussion (my detailed analysis)
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Elevations Around Lake County
Official High & Low Temperatures Across the Area (From the NWS)
South Dakota Low Temperature Map (includes Madison)
South Dakota High Temperature Map (includes Madison)

South Dakota Precipitation Map (includes Madison)

Madison Clear Sky Clock

Madison Normal Temperatures and Precipitation By Month

Madison Sunrise/Sunset Tables  
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