Local Forecast (unofficial)
Including the cit
ies of Ontario and Fontana
Updated Tuesday, October 03, 2006 11:01:31 AM

Tonight...Partly cloudy. Lows 56 to 60. West wind 4 to 9 mph. Maximum humidity 90 to 100%. Free air freezing level 14,606 feet.

Tuesday...Partly cloudy. Highs 74 to 78. West wind 7 to 15 mph. Minimum humidity 42 to 52%. Free air freezing level 14,055 feet.

Tuesday night...Partly cloudy. Lows 54 to 58. West to southwest wind 5 to 10 mph. Maximum humidity 84 to 94%. Free air freezing level 13,901 feet.

Wednesday...Partly to mostly cloudy. Highs 70 to 74. West to southwest wind 8 to 16 mph. Minimum humidity 44 to 51%. Free air freezing level 11,742 feet.

7 day Forecast

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