Local Forecast (unofficial)
Including the city of
Updated Monday, April 11, 2005 07:13:33 PM CDT

Tonight...Cloudy with showers likely this evening...then a chance of showers. Rain may mix with snow at times. Slight chance of an evening thunderstorm with small hail. Low near 2. South to southwest wind 10 to 20 km/h early evening with higher gusts in heavier showers. Chance of precipitation 70% this evening...decreasing to 30% overnight. Free air freezing level falling to 300 meters. Snow level 100 meters but possibly at the surface during heavier showers. 

Tuesday...A mix of sun and cloud. Chance of showers. Areas of morning fog. High near 9. South wind 10 km/h or less. Chance of rain 30%. Free air freezing level rising to 700 meters. Snow level 350 to 450 meters.

Tuesday night...Clear with cloudy periods. Low near -1. Calm or light wind. Free air freezing level 300 meters.

Wednesday...Morning fog patches...then a mix of sun and cloud with increasing cloudiness in the afternoon. Chance of rain by late afternoon. High near 9. South to southwest wind 5 to 15 km/h in the afternoon. Chance of rain increasing to 30%. Free air freezing level rising to 1000 meters.

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