Local Forecast (unofficial)
Including the communities of
Stewart and Hyder
Updated Thursday, September 07, 2006 07:18:31 AM PDT
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Stewart/Hyder Weather

Today...Periods of rain. High 16. Southeast wind 5 to 12 km/h. Minimum humidity 77 to 82%. Chance of rain 90%. Free air freezing level 2,912 meters.

Tonight...Periods of rain. Low 11. Southeast wind 3 to 10 km/h. Maximum humidity near 100%. Chance of rain 90%. Free air freezing level 2,557 meters.

Friday...Mainly cloudy. Periods of rain...decreasing late. High 17. Southwest wind 5 to 12 km/h. Minimum humidity 83 to 88%. Chance of rain 90%. Free air freezing level 2,572 meters.

15 day Forecast
Today's Weather Almanac
Weather Discussion
(my detailed analysis)
Year 2006 Sunrise & Sunset Tables For Stewart
Terrace Clear Sky Clock

Stewart Normal Temperatures, Precipitation, and Extremes By Month
Other Weather Links:

Environment Canada
The Weather Network

National Weather Service-Alaska
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Times Since April 11, 2005