Local Forecast (unofficial)
Including the city of Reno
Updated Wednesday, December 25, 2002 12:47:48 AM (PST)


Tonight...Partly cloudy. Lows near 17.
South wind 5 to 10 mph. Free air freezing
level at the surface.


Christmas Day...Mostly cloudy. Highs near 37.
South wind 5 to 10 mph. Free air freezing
level at the surface.


Wednesday night...Mostly cloudy...snow becoming
likely after midnight. Lows near 27. Southwest
wind 5 to 15 mph. Chance of snow increasing to
60 percent. Free air freezing level at the surface.


Thursday...Snow likely early...then mostly
cloudy with isolated rain showers. Highs
near 44. Southwest wind 5 to 15 mph.
Free air freezing level rising to 7,100 feet.
Snow level rising to 5,700 feet. 

7 day Forecast
Weather Discussion
(my detailed analysis)
Official High & Low Temperatures Across the Area (From the NWS)
South Dakota Low Temperature Map (includes Madison)
South Dakota High Temperature Map (includes Madison)

South Dakota Precipitation Map (includes Madison)

Year 2002 Sunrise & Sunset Tables For Madison

Madison Clear Sky Clock

Madison Normal Temperatures and Precipitation By Month
Current Conditions from the Science Center at DSU

Current Weather Watches and Warnings
Current Weather Warnings from IWIN
6 - 10 day Forecast from the National Weather Service
Sioux Falls NEXRAD Radar from Intellicast
Sioux Falls NEXRAD Radar from the NWS
Current North America Weather Map
This Page Has Been Visited Times Since August 30, 2001

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